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All work and no play? No Way!

Game On is the incentive earned at the completion of each topic area. Users will find these renditions of classic games to be a fun way to end each content area before moving to the next.

Game On consists of three games: Snackman, Tetris Germ, and Physical Activity Trivia. Users will find themselves battling to top the high scores in Snackman (A spin-off of the popular PacMan), testing their reflexes and quick-thinking skills in Tetris Germ (A spin-off of Tetris), and finally testing their knowledge of historical events, current events, and some bizarre trivia in Physical Activity Trivia (A spin-off of Trivial Pursuit). Each game has parts that are relevant to each topic area.

Teachers will enjoy the programming of the module that allows these games to be offered at carefully selected points in the module to ensure that the focus is still geared toward completion of the content areas. Game On is only available after certain criterion has been met for each area. Once the user has completed the entire module, he may log in at anytime and all the games will be accessible.


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