Is it free?
Take Charge Be HealthySM is free to all schools and groups in West Virginia. It can be used "as is" by other schools and groups nationwide. Other states that wish to modify Take Charge Be HealthySM to be more "state specific" may do so for an appropriate fee. Contact us to learn more.
Can teachers view students' work?
Teachers can log into their account and click on "Classroom Management" to view all submitted work by students in their classes. Teachers are responsible for approving repsonses to Media Mania, and the Apprenticeship. All quiz questions and answers can be viewed from Teacher Tools as well.
Can teachers assign grades
Teaches can assign grades based on work submitted, but scores are automatically assigned for the students on the "Do You Know?" quizzes.
How much time does it take to complete Take Charge?
Take Charge Be HealthySM is designed to fit any schedule. The entire module can be completed in as little as two weeks, or as much as an entire semester (depending on the needs of the teacher or leader). Ideally, Take Charge Be HealthySM is designed to be completed in 4-6 weeks.
How often is the content updated?
Content for the website is updated at least once per week. The newsletter is a weekly production and all content is updated each week. The core content of the website is reviewed periodically and changed as necessarry so as to stay current according to National Standards.
Can Teens use this website at home?
Absolutely! Once a student has been signed up in a class or group and receives their student ID and password, they can log on from any computer with an internet connection.
Why do I have to enter students names, Is there another way to identify them?
All information entered on Take Charge Be HealthySM is kept in a secure database with limited access. At the end of the year, this database is analyzed without any identifying information. Using student names when registering your class simply makes it easier to view and work with students submitted responses and other information.
How do I know the information is accurate and appropriate?
All content on Take Charge Be HealthySM is based on current National Content Standards. In addition, all content has been written based on years of research and reviewed by mutliple experts across the nation. Modifications were made two and three times on some content to ensure that it was accurate and appropriate for the age groups defined.
Can I see all the content my students' see?
When teaches log in to their Teacher Tools area, there is a link at the bottom of the page that is called Teen Preview. Teachers can click there and see all the content that is presented to their students just as the students see it!
Is there evidence to show this instructional module "works"?
Every year data is analyzed and a report is prepared using the findings from that data analysis to show improvements or decline in students reported attitudes and behaviors in each objective. Evidence from the first pilot program obtained through student surveys and interviews showed an increase in the knowledge of students in all three topic areas, as well as a postive attitude change towards lifetime healthy behavior.
Do I have to be an expert in health to use this in my curriculum?
Absolutely not! This curriculum is designed so that it can be presented as a "stand alone" product. Teens can progress through with minimal teacher assistance. Of course on the flip side, it is designed to fit within your curriculum, so teachers can use the material in Take Charge Be HealthySM to reinforce the content that is provided in the traditional classroom.