Take Charge! Be Healthy! Privacy Policy
The following policy applies to the TakeChargeBeHealthy.org/com website.
Take Charge! Be Healthy! is committed to protecting the privacy and security of its online visitors. This policy statement provides our visitors (e.g., parents, teachers and children) with an overview of the measures we have taken to provide a safe environment for everyone.
Take Charge! Be Healthy! is a web-based instructional module for teenage children to help them better understand the importance of daily physical activity, good nutrition and overall health. The Take Charge! Be Healthy! module is designed to be used by teachers and students primarily as a part of the health curriculum. The instructional module allows students to participate in interactive activities, some which require them to submit personal information in order to receive feedback and earn prizes.
The student personal information obtained in Take Charge! Be Healthy! is limited to that information which is necessary for the activities of the instructional unit, information which is necessary for teachers to have to assess student progress, and information that operators of Take Charge! Be Healthy! will use to determine the effectiveness of the module.
Personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13 will be used solely by Take Charge! Be Healthy! or its agents for internal purposes and will not be sold or otherwise transferred to third parties. Information collected from users may be reported in aggregate form.
The personal information collected in Take Charge! Be Healthy! includes:
- students' first and last name (teachers enter this information and may use bogus names, if desired; names are only collected for teachers' use in identifying student progress and prize winners; Take Charge! Be Healthy! operators do not use any student information by student name)
- age, gender, race (this information is submitted by the teacher and is optional (except age); the information, if submitted, aids the Take Charge! Be Healthy! researchers in determining the effectiveness of the instructional module for particular groups of children)
- student self-reports of daily physical activity and daily diet intake (this information is used as an instructional tool to give students feedback on their behavior patterns of physical activity and diet intake; name of student is not correlated with information submitted)
- Pre/post quizzes on students' knowledge, attitude, and behaviors related to the content of Take Charge! Be Healthy! (this information will be used by teachers to assess student progress, and by Take Charge! Be Healthy! researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional module).
Individuals will NEVER be identified individually, except when prizes are earned and prize winners are announced on the website for students to view. The prize winners will be identified by first name and last initial, and students will only see prize winners in their own class. No other personal information will be revealed by student name except at the request of the student's teacher or parent.
It is Take Charge! Be Healthy! policy never to post on its site, more than a teen’s first name, last initial, state, and school. The classroom teacher must review and approve any information submitted for posting on the Take Charge! Be Healthy! website by the students.
As an incentive to complete the instructional module, students are given an opportunity to earn a free music download from WalMart.com. If a music download is earned, user will be asked to enter his/her birth date. If the child is under 13 years of age, the child will be asked to enter a parent’s email address, and the parent will be contacted via email for online permission to allow the child to receive a music download code in Take Charge! Take Charge is not responsible for verifying parent email addresses. If a response is not obtained from the parent, the music download will not be awarded. For users over 13 years of age, the individual will automatically receive a code to enter at Walmart.com to receive a free music download. eLearning for Kids, Inc (Take Charge) is not responsible for music downloaded as a result of participating in Take Charge, or for any content found on WalMart.com website. For more information, see WalMart.com privacy policy.
According to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, a parent or teacher must give consent for any website to collect personal information from children under 13 years of age. Teachers may give consent in lieu of parental consent if the website is being used for educational purposes as part of the school curriculum (see How to Protect Kids' Privacy Online: A Guide for Teachers).
There are many activities on the Take Charge! Be Healthy! instructional module that are for teachers, which enable teachers to add another dimension to their classroom and students' activities. In order to create such online classroom activities, we will collect personally identifiable information from teachers and have teachers provide a password to their students so that students can publish materials online and do other activities online in connection with their class through the use of such password. We will only enable such passwords with the verifiable consent provided by teachers acting on behalf of parents. With respect to the teacher's personally identifiable information that we collect, we may use such information to provide teachers with information about materials, activities or other things which may be of interest to them.
If at any time, a teacher wishes to see any information submitted by a student that is not readily available to them through the Teacher Tools section of the Take Charge! Be Healthy! module, he should send e-mail requesting the information to: info@takechargebehealthy.org. A teacher may also at any time refuse to allow students to participate in any part of Take Charge! Be Healthy!, or refuse to allow Take Charge! Be Healthy! to collect any information that the teen submits. To request such action, the teacher should e-mail info@takechargebehealthy.org outlining the request. Take Charge! Be Healthy! will respond to a request for disclosure within 5 business days.
Take Charge! Be Healthy! operators will inform teachers if new activities are added to the instructional module that may change personal information collected in a significant way. In the event that changes such as these are made, Take Charge! Be Healthy! will notify teachers that a new consent is required.
Parents/guardians can request to review or have deleted their child's personally identifiable information from Take Charge! Be Healthy! records. Parents/guardians may refuse to permit further use of a child's information by contacting their child's teacher who is implementing Take Charge! Be Healthy! as part of the classroom curriculum, and by e-mailing Take Charge! Be Healthy! at: info@takechargebehealthy.org.
For parent/guardian requests for disclosure, Take Charge! Be Healthy! will ask the teacher to verify the parent/guardian's name. That request from Take Charge! Be Healthy! to the teacher will be sent via e-mail to the teacher's e-mail address listed on the registration form. Take Charge! Be Healthy! will then disclose any personal information of a child to his parent/guardian.
Take Charge! Be Healthy! is a great place to learn valuable information about various topics related to teen health. As with all websites, we encourage teens to be careful about information that is submitted throughout the module. From time to time Take Charge! may ask you to submit information about your history, physical activity, and nutrition intake. If you choose to submit this information, please submit only what is asked for and nothing additional. Never submit your full name, address, telephone number, or any other identifiable information as we cannot guarantee the security of this information. Any information that you submit is collected by Take Charge! staff and never released to any other parties. Any information, stories, activity ideas, recipe ideas, or other information submitted may be used by Take Charge and reposted to the web-site for others to view. If we publish any material submitted by you, we will only identify you by your first name and last initial. If you qualify for the free music download, you will be asked to submit your birth date for age verification purposes. This information will not be released and will be kept confidential. When visiting this website or any other website, be very cautious of information you are sharing across the internet, and always tell an adult (teacher, principal, counselor, parent, etc.) if you feel uncomfortable or have any questions about material on this site or any other website.
Take Charge! Be Healthy! ensures that all information, personally and non-personally identifiable information, that it receives via the Internet is secure against unauthorized access. This information is kept in a safe and secure system isolated from direct connection to the Internet. This means that no eyes but ours will ever see the information that our visitors send to us, unless we indicate otherwise.
While students are on the Take Charge! Be Healthy! website we do use cookies* (see definition at end of this section) to track the number of visitors, and obtain other types of non-personally identifiable information. In addition we collect and store: the name of the domain and host from which individuals access the Internet; the Internet protocol (IP) address of the computer individuals are using; the browser software used and the operating system; and the date and time the website was accessed. If you view a movie clip on Take Charge, a cookie is used to remember which media player (such as Real Player or Quick Time) and which type of clip you prefer on your computer. Data that is collected on this website is used for statistical analysis only, and is never used to identify students, or other users. These statistics and other information are combined into reports used for research and grant funding. If data is used and linked to an individual user, or school, we create a pseudonym to avoid any accidental identifying information being released.
*Cookies Definition: A “cookie” is a small text file that a Web site can place on your computer’s hard drive in order, for example, to collect information about an individual’s activities on the site or to collect information about that persons computer software, operating system, and other non-identifiable information.
Teachers will find links from Take Charge! Be Healthy! to independently owned, controlled and/or managed World Wide Web or Internet sites whose content we have found of possible interest to teachers and students using Take Charge! Be Healthy! While we initially visit these sites to which we directly link, please note that we do not control the content that appears on these sites and such content may be constantly changing. These links are provided solely as a convenience to the user, and are not an endorsement by eLearning 4 Kids, Inc of the contents included in the external sites. eLearning for Kids, Inc is not responsible for the content of any linked sites and makes no representations regarding the content or accuracy of materials on such sites, and therefore, the user is visiting the linked sites at their own risk. All third party site links accessible from the student side of Take Charge are done outside of the eLearning module. Each link opens in a separate page. Take Charge is not responsible for the content, or safety and privacy practices at any sites linked from our pages.
An analysis of student data will be used to evaluate Take Charge! Be Healthy!, and could be used in scholarly publications and presentations by eLearning for Kids staff and/or The CARDIAC Project staff. At no time will identifiable information be revealed (e.g. students' names, teachers' names, school names, etc).eLearning for Kids, Inc. will protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of personal information (including that of student, teacher, and school) at all times and to the fullest extent. No information will be shared with third parties.
NOTE: Take Charge! Be Healthy! will revise this policy as the content on our site continue to change.
Take Charge! Be Healthy! is part of the non-profit organization, eLearning for Kids, Inc, whose goal is to provide quality educational experiences for children and youth related to health. To contact Take Charge! Be Healthy!, send an email to info@takechargebehealthy.org.
Revised 8/2008
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