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Newsletter last updated: Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Physical Activity of the Week
Brittany M. really likes this idea
submitted by Brianna B from WV:

Frisbee Golf

Activity Description:
    This game is a test of coordination. You have to be able to focus and have patience. To play:
  • Set up ten holes with the hula-hoops, cones and poles.
  • Start at hole one and try to make the Frisbee land in the hula-hoop.
  • To make it even more challenging, make the Frisbee go around the cone before you can make it into the hole.
  • The person with the least amount of throws wins.
What you will need:
  • Frisbee(s)
  • Hula-hoops
  • Traffic cones / poles
  • Friends
Skills you are Learning:
throwing and aiming
Physical Fitness Benefits:
It helps your upper arm strength. It also burns calories.
Cues to make you better:
Follow through on your throw.
Michelle T. suggests:


Activity Description:
If you are looking for a physical activity that is fun and has a low risk of injury try swimming. Swimming is the method of moving yourself through water using your limbs. It is a popular recreational activity as well as a competitive sport. Common swimming strokes include the Front Crawl, Breaststroke, Butterfly, and Backstroke.
What you will need:
swimsuit, goggles, ear plugs (optional)
Physical Fitness Benefits:
• Low impact -the buoyancy of water cushions your body and there is no hard pounding to stress your joints and muscles.
• Longevity -a recent 40,000 men, 32 year study from the University of South Carolina found that swimmers had a 50% lower mortality rate than men who were sedentary, walkers, or runners.
• Physical benefits -flexibility, endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular health.
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