Electronic Data Collection & Analysis
From Students:
- Pre knowledge quiz for each topic: Physical Activity, Nutrition, Your Heath
- Post knowledge quiz for each topic: Physical Activity, Nutrition, Your Heath
- Pre test – IAAM -Its All About Me Attitude/Behavior Survey (required of everyone when first logging on)
- Post test – IAAM (only those who have finished all three topics)
- Log It – daily Diet Diary Logs
- number of servings for each fruit (individually)
- total number of servings of fruit
- number of servings for each vegetables (individually)
- total number of servings of vegetables
- number of servings of water
- Number of servings of soft drinks – reg
- Number of servings of soft drinks – diet
- Number of servings of 100% fruit juice
- Number of servings of milk – reg
- Number of servings of 2% milk
- Number of servings of fat free milk
- Goals setting
- Goals set
- Goals met
- Log It – daily Physical Activity Logs
- # Pedometer steps – all day, only at school, only in PE
- # Pedometer steps – only at school,
- # Pedometer steps –only in PE
- Total screen time
- screen time – TV
- screen time – Computer
- Total number of minutes of PA
- Number of minutes of light - moderate-vigorous PA
- Where PA occurred – during school: recess, PE, other class, before/after school, lunch
- Where PA occurred – after school: home, outdoors, friend’s house, fitness center, YMCA – rec center, school facility, other
- Goals setting
- Goals set
- Goals met
- All apprenticeship responses
- All Media Mania responses
- All Expert questions they submit
From Teachers or Group Leader:
- Registration form information – school /group (name, type, address, school contact person and email, principal’s name and email, school website, school enrollment, number of teachers in the school, area classification