Your Health Objectives
411 – Your Health
- Demonstrate an understanding of energy balance and its importance in maintaining a healthy body weight. (questions in PA and nutrition sections)
- Identify puberty (phase of growth and development), body type, and inherited traits as influences on body weight.
- Identify body mass index (BMI) and how it relates to a healthy body weight.
- Recall that diabetes is a chronic disease that prevents the body from making or properly using insulin.
- Recognize that Type II diabetes can be caused by being overweight.
- Recognize that teens can be diagnosed with either Type I or Type II diabetes.
- Identify risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
- Identify symptoms of a heart attack and immediate action steps.
- Recognize that lifestyle choices affect risks for chronic diseases.
- Recognize the importance of a family health history.
- Recognize environmental influences that affect one’s health status.